For every four levels of Health, Fitness and Fortitude (in any combination) you gain 2 extra hit points on your chest and head and 1 on each limb. This skill may be bought multiple times.
New: For every four levels of Health, Fitness and Fortitude (in any combination) you gain 2 extra hit points on your chest and head and 1 on each limb.
First Aid
This skill may be taken multiple times. Your level in the skill is the number of times you have bought it. At each level you gain the following abilities:
New: At each level you gain the following abilities:
This skill may be bought up to three times, with no double buying penalty at character creation. Your character will receive an extra 5 Shillings at the beginning of each interactive for each time you have bought this skill
New: There is no double buying penalty for this skill at character creation. Your character will receive an extra 5 Shillings at the beginning of each interactive for each level of this skill
- Reason: income now explicitly leveled 1-3.
Speak Other Language
The character can speak one other (named) language. This skill may be taken multiple times and is not subject to double-buying penalties.
- Renamed skill to "other language"
- Edited original text to: The character understand one other (named) language. This skill may be taken multiple times (once for each additional language) and is not subject to double-buying penalties.
- Added: All characters are assumed to be fully literate in all languages they know (their starting languages and any they buy with this skill). If you wish your character to be illiterate please note it on the character sheet so the refs know.
- Reasons: Summer 2010 agm motion that removed literacy and made all characters fully literate unless they didn't want to be.