Natural and Unnatural Damage
Text To Add
When the rules text makes reference to the maximum damage that can be done with a weapon (for example: daggers, the frailty condition), this applies to the maximum
natural damage that can be done with a weapon,
unnatural effects ignore this limit.
I believe this is the case, am I correct? --Drac
- So if I'm frail and have melee 6, can I call HALF once? :P --Tea
Answer was no, as frail/non com explicitly disallow even unnatural increases, however it is true for weapon-length caps. The following text is added: Damage caps applied by weapon lengths only apply to natural damage, they may be exceeded via unnaturral damage.
Several spells/miracles that grant unnatural damage use the term "cannot be suppressed". This means that you may not elect to call normal (or subdual) damage with that weapon. When more then one effect applying different colours of magic damage is cast on the same weapon, the most recently applied colour should be called. A magic weapon cannot have a spiritual effect cast on it, and vice versa. If you attempt to do it anyway, please get a ref.
- source: clarifications.
Taking Damage
Broke resistant/vulnerable out into their own sub-headings to make them more obvious.